Vedic Healing


Vedic Healing™ is a comprehensive program of courses offered through the Vedic Healing™ that teaches some of the innermost secrets of the vedas, India’s most revered spiritual texts. Through a series of techniques used for thousands of years by Hindu priests and spiritual masters in India, students learn how to increase the flow of positive energy in their lives, becoming empowered to manifest their personal paths, connect with the Divine, and raise their consciousness.  Many of the methods taught in Vedic Healing have never been shared outside of India.

Sanskrit Mantra Chanting Classes & Vedic Initiation Ceremonies; Puja Prayer Ceremonies; Meditation/Chanting Gatherings & Pilgrimages to India


The Vedic Healing™ curriculum consists of: meditation methods; extensive work with Sanskrit mantra chants (sacred sound vibrations); bhakti yoga; visualizations; pranayama (breathing techniques); mudras (hand gestures); yantras (vedic sacred geometry); and puja prayer ceremonies.  These techniques and philosophies help cultivate inner awareness for wellbeing, peace, and happiness.  We work with Sanskrit, considered to be the “the language of the Gods.”  Chanting in Sanskrit creates a dynamic movement of energy within the practitioner and the atmosphere, thereby affecting the world at large.

The goal of the Vedic Healing™ teachings is to provide people with tools for expansion and self-growth, creating a profound knowledge of who we are, why we are here, and how we may best live our paths. Ultimately Vedic Healing™ helps the practitioner tap into the vibration or frequency of the Divine wherein anything is accessible and possible.  Through these teachings and techniques, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness emerge.   The Vedic Healing™ curriculum offers the perfect adjunct to yoga, healing and other meditation practices.


45045045Gayatri Mantra as written in Sanskrit Devanagari Script

Mantras are mystical arrangements of sacred sounds that were originally discovered by sages while deep in meditation. Recorded in the vedas, India’s oldest and most revered spiritual texts, mantras were written in Sanskrit, considered the oldest language on the planet and referred to as “the language of the Gods.”

Mantras have the ability to move energies, creating profound change within the practitioner and the environment at large. The word “mantra” means “that which saves you when meditated upon.”  For thousands of years in India, people on a conscious spiritual path have chanted mantras in order to create positive conditions both inwardly and outwardly, thereby shifting energies and conditions.  Mantras are chanted in their original language of Sanskrit since it is these special sound vibrations that create a powerful forcefield and cause transformation.

Typically mantras were passed down in India among priests through special initiation ceremonies as the material was considered sacred.  Today these ancient mantras are being shared discreetly with sincere seekers by Psychic Palmist of India Professor Sasi Velupillai who teach and initiate practitioners according to traditional vedic methods, based on their extensive studies with and blessings by Hindu priests and revered spiritual elders in India.


The Vedic Healing & Temple offers a comprehensive program in Sanskrit mantras in which students learn how to chant and apply these sacred sounds to their lives in a thorough and practical manner, in accordance with the vedic principles. Professor Sasi personally instruct and initiate each student into the mantras and then give “activation” to the mantras to each student through traditional vedic initiation ceremonies.

The goal of the classes is for students to use the mantras to enhance their spiritual growth and increase the flow of positive energy, becoming empowered to manifest their dreams and progress on their journey through life. Many of the methods taught in the curriculum have never been shared outside of India until now.


The vedic initiation ceremonies form an integral part of the classes since it is through these rituals that the mantras become adequately conveyed and activated in the student’s energy field. One may become familiar with a mantra through a book or a recording but the actual power of the mantra takes root in one’s being and life when the initiation is given. Through the initiation, students also connect with the lineage of the original masters who discovered the mantras thousands of years ago.

Working with Sanskrit mantras ultimately provides expansion and growth, creating a deep inner awareness of who we are as spiritual beings, why we are here, and how we may best live our paths.

Professor Sasi regard his work in teaching and initiating others into Sanskrit mantras and the vedic healing principles to be a calling, a great joy, and a privilege. To that end, the mantras and vedic teachings are lovingly imparted with blessings for each student’s growth and spiritual progress.

“Gayatri is a treasure you must guard throughout your life. You may give up or ignore any other mantra, but never give up Gayatri. It will protect you from harm, {and} the effulgence of God will descend on you and light your path.”
— H.H. Sri Sathya Sai Baba


( *The Gayatri Mantra Class is the first class in our mantra series and forms the basis for all of the Vedic Healing & Temple’s activities).

Gayatri Mantra is the key to opening the door of cosmic consciousness. Gayatri mantra creates illumination, awakens inner powers, and brings blessings. Gayatri mantra makes the practitioner “brighter” and more able to manifest his/her personal path.

The Gayatri Mantra is considered to be the most powerful Sanskrit chant, balancing mind, body and spirit simultaneously. It is a chant that evokes magical, mystical energies and helps those chanting it accelerate on their spiritual journey. The Gayatri mantra clears negative energies and purifies our beings, making us more powerful and illuminated. Gayatri mantra works with feminine energies so that we open to receive blessings.

In India it is said that you are born twice–once when you enter the body and once when you are initiated into Gayatri, the Queen of all mantras.

Benefits of chanting Gayatri Mantra:

  • Attain higher spiritual awareness, clarity and inspiration;
  • Raise your vibration to attract prosperity and blessings;
  • Awaken intuitive, psychic powers;
  • Sharpen your ability to manifest desires and needs;
  • Increase your prana or life-force energy and personal charisma;
  • Help you achieve greater health, balance, well-being, and inner peace;
  • Create a powerful, positive force-field offering protection from negativity

* Class duration: approximately 3 1/2 hours – Offered a few times per month in the Los Angeles area

Includes: Class manual; extensive time spent learning the history, use, pronunciation, & meter of the mantra; video presentations by priests in India; time spent listening to various recordings of the mantra; private initiation ceremony for each student in the vedic tradition; recording of the mantra to aid in practicing the mantra at home; and certificate of completion.


( *The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Class is the second class in our mantra series and the companion chant to Gayatri).

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a dynamic, powerful energy that lies at the core of the Vedas- India’s spiritual texts. Maha Mrityunjaya mantra works with Shiva (male) energies to create action, healing and movement; destroy negative influences; and to speed manifestation. Maha Mrityunjaya is the great mantra for overcoming fears, negative energy, and ultimately death, helping our souls transition to the next phase on the path.

The Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is considered to be the “companion” chant to the Gayatri mantra. Whereas the Gayatri mantra opens the energy field and empowers the chanter through feminine energies, the Maha Mrityunjaya mantra moves energies through masculine energies, instigating new, positive conditions. Maha Mrityunjaya mantra is considered to be a healing mantra that awakens dormant abilities within the one chanting. Where Gayatri cleanses the system, Maha Mrityunjaya strengthens it. Maha Mrityunjaya works with masculine energies so that action on the physical plane may occur. For these reasons, Gayatri and Maha Mrityunjaya are often used in conjunction with one another to open the energy field, clear unfavorable conditions, and bring about powerful change, movement and awakening.

Benefits of chanting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra:

  • Remove obstacles in your life and destroy illusions
  • Move energies on the inner and outer planes for manifestation
  • Strengthen inner powers for healing and replace stagnant energy with new, vital energy
  • Unleash enthusiasm, courage, willpower and determination
  • Clear lack of energy, grief, illness, depression, and prevent accidents
  • Raise your vibration to create prosperity and blessings
  • Create fearlessness, hope, courage, inspiration, and action
  • Move through the process death, and eventually move off of the wheel of reincarnation

* Class duration: Approximately 3 1/2 hours –  Offered monthly in the Los Angeles area

Includes: Class manual; extensive time spent learning the history, pronunciation, meter of the mantra; video presentations by priests in India; time spent listening to various renderings of the mantra; private initiation ceremony in the vedic tradition; cd recording of the mantra for participants to practice with at home; and certificate of completion.

By chanting mantras one invokes a tremendous special force that transforms the inner being, producing noticeable mental, emotional, physical and spiritual improvements.


These classes introduce students to ancient meditation and hands-on techniques in the vedic healing tradition which may be used for both self-healing and healing others.  These very special and rare teachings were imparted to us in India by Guruji Seshan, with the instruction to share them with those who were either interested in deepening their own meditation or spiritual practices or who were healing practitioners intent on adding another modality to what they currently offer their clients. These classes include an array of breathing, mudras, mantras, visualization and meditation techniques.

Currently taught in two levels- Vedic Healing Level One and Vedic Healing Level Two.

*Please inquire for more details and prerequisites.


The following classes work with advanced techniques including “deity mantras,” in which specific aspects of the divine are invoked to bring about change and growth. Deities may be thought of as energy forms or aspects of God/the Divine which enable practitioners to better visualize and intend for what they would like to manifest in their lives. The Ganesh class is the first class in this series, and after completing that class, practitioners may choose whichever classes appeal to them. These Deity Mantra Classes give the practitioner extensive mantras as well as the magical, powerful 108-vibration formula (called the Ashtottram in Sanskrit) in which mantras are repeated 108 times along with the 108 names of a deity, resulting in profound curative effects.

All classes include:

  • Class manuals & clearly-presented written materials
  • Background on Sanskrit chanting
  • Thorough instruction including the history, meaning, and proper pronunciation of the mantras
  • Background on the various deities and their significance as energy forms
  • Time spent learning correct meter and tune for mantras
  • Time spent listening to various recordings of the mantras
  • CD recordings for participants to take home with them and use in self-practice away from class
  • Private initiation into the mantras in the vedic tradition
  • Certificate of class completion

The beautiful deities pictured on this page and throughout our website are part of our Vedic Healing Temple.  Each one was handcrafted in India by a dedicated spiritual artisan, shipped to us, and then activated in elaborate puja/vedic prayer ceremonies.  We regularly offer prayers to these deities, invoking their energies.


For Removing Obstacles in the way of Manifestation
For Creating New Beginnings, Good Luck & Prosperity Working with Ganesh mantras and the 108 Names of Ganesh

**This is the first class practitioners study in the Deity Mantra Class series

Ganesh is revered in India as the aspect of God or the energy form who removes obstacles in our lives, helping make our paths smooth so that we may manifest what we need and desire. Typically Ganesh is invoked first in all endeavors and especially in meditation and spiritual practices. With an easy nature and a love of life, Ganesh brings good luck, prosperity and new beginnings to those who work with him. He is also the god of scribes, so practitioners may call upon his blessings for writing & creative projects. All over the world Ganesh is exceedingly popular because of his great accessibility and his love for spiritual practitioners who call upon his energies.

Chanting Ganesh mantras creates optimism and peace within the practitioner; helps move blockages, bring good luck, prosperity, and new beginnings in areas where we may have previously felt stuck.


For Letting go of the Past and Stagnant Conditions
–  Offered every November

For Destroying NegativityFor Creating Personal Power, Action, Movement & Change

**Working with Shiva mantras and the 108 Names of Shiva**

Lord Shiva represents one of the most powerful deity forms with thousands of temples built in his honor worldwide. In Vedic teachings, God exists in a trinity form of creator-sustainer-destroyer, with Lord Shiva representing the final part of this energy—destroyer. In other words, Lord Shiva is that aspect of the Divine who removes old, negative conditions from our lives so that new, positive opportunities may emerge. Considered also the cosmic dancer whose energy instigates change and helps people transform,

Lord Shiva (also called Nataraja) embodies action, movement, and new beginnings. He is the perfect balance of male/female energies, calling us to be both gentle and powerful.

Chanting Shiva mantras creates not only a dynamic energy within the practitioner but also a noticeable feeling of personal power and strength that causes transformation. Shiva mantras are considered to be among the most powerful energies to work with–only available to those who are ready to embrace change.

Chanting Shiva mantras helps bring about movement and transmute stagnant, negative patterns so that new, positive conditions may emerge and manifest.


For Abundance, For Spiritual & Material Prosperity; For the Expansion of Blessings on all levels in life Working with Lakshmi mantras and the 108 Names of Lakshmi

It is said in India that prosperity comes only upon invitation. This class is to help practitioners become familiar with Lakshmi, the female energy form associated with abundance, expansion and prosperity. Class includes discussion of manifestation tools, the dynamic laws of creation, and the energy form of Lakshmi. Class provides practitioners with specific Lakshmi chants for attracting an abundance of health, wealth, happiness and all good things. An erroneous myth sometimes perpetrated within the metaphysical community says that it is “unspiritual” to be prosperous. This myth is debunked as we discuss why it is not only important but, in fact, vital for practitioners to lead happy, fulfilled, and full lives. In Vedic teachings, abundance is a natural state that helps sustain and support all life everywhere. Join us to invite Lakshmi into your life and open the doors to abundance!

Chanting Lakshmi mantras sends a message to the universe that invites prosperity into your life on all levels.


For Manifesting Miracles & Seemingly Impossible Things

For Creating Dedication & Persistence in our Endeavors

Working with Hanuman mantras and the 108 Names of Hanuman

Hanuman is the aspect of God who makes “seemingly impossible things happen” –that is, he helps us believe in and attract miracles into our lives. Hanuman is also the energy of devotion and dedication to right causes and to the spiritual path. He is revered as the one who often moves energies very dynamically and magically when the practitioner is dedicated. For these reasons, he is invoked in special circumstances and with care and respect. We are honored to introduce practitioners to Hanuman’s powerful and mystical energies, through these special Hanuman mantras.

Chanting Hanuman mantras helps us tap into supernatural abilities to create miraculous events out of ordinary circumstances and believe in our personal power in order to co-create with the Divine what we need and desire.


For Manifesting Love, Joy, Celebration & Partnership
For Connection with the Divine
Working with Krishna mantras and the 108 Names of Krishna

In Hindu mythology Krishna incarnated when the world was full of darkness, bringing light and joy. The word “Krishna” means: “one who attracts people and draws away negativities.” Thus, Krishna is an auspicious energy who embodies love, freedom, and celebration. Krishna helps people bring out their playful natures so they may celebrate life and create love, hope & positivity. Krishna is regarded as the ultimate lover—asking us to love ourselves, love others, and ultimately to fall in love with the divine. When we radiate light, we attract to us positive people and circumstances. Thus, Krishna helps us manifest happy relationships and connect with our soulmates. Lord Krishna also stars in the great epic, The Bhagavad Gita, in which he urges people to be steadfast and courageous–to persevere and find joy, despite life’s struggles.

Working with Krishna mantras helps us create both a lightness and a powerful burst of energy to our projects, hopes, dreams, relationships, and ultimately to our spiritual paths.


For Creativity & Illumination to manifest our unique life paths
For Inspiration in Art, Music, Writing & all creative projects
Working with Saraswati mantras and the 108 Names of Goddess Saraswati

Goddess Saraswati is considered to be the embodiment of supreme creativity, who provides help with the arts, music and other projects. She helps us manifest and create our personal life paths and derive inspiration from the Divine. She is invoked at the beginning of creative endeavors to help bring forth inspiration and beauty. Artists and musicians always begin their shows or concerts by asking for her blessings and lighting a lamp to her. Indeed all of life is a creative endeavor. Anytime we set forth to do or make something we need the blessings of Saraswati for that project to be successful.

Chanting Saraswati mantras creates movement and blessings with our creative paths and with all we do and make on this earth.


For Power, Strength and Perseverance
For Victory & New Beginnings
Working with Durga mantras and the 108 Names of Goddess Durga

Goddess Durga is a powerful representation of feminine energy, a divine incarnation of Goddess Shakti, companion to Lord Shiva. Goddess Durga appeared when the good in the universe was being threatened, emerging as the defender of righteousness. A mysterious mixture of loving energy and power, Durga appears riding a tiger, with multiple hands holding weapons while simultaneously conveying healing mudras. At once beautiful and terrifying, Durga is a study in complete opposites and also a great example of feminist power.

Working with Durga energies helps practitioners tap into their innate personal power and strength so that they may be victorious in life! Durga appeals to the feminine side of Shiva’s persona to spark change, action, new beginnings, movement. She is the perfect compliment to Lord Shiva when personal power and movement are sought.

Chanting Durga mantras creates power, action and new beginnings in a dynamic way. Using her mantras along with Shiva mantras creates the perfect balance of male/female power.


Offering general “essential” mantras for the vedic practitioner

This class is for advanced practitioners who have been using mantras for some time and who wish to deepen their practice.  In it, students learn mantras that complete and round out their mantra practice.   These mantras may form part of the daily practice and may be used morning, afternoon and evening.  Prerequisites are: Gayatri Mantra Class, Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra class and at least two Deity mantra classes.   


Many people believe that to achieve peace we must retreat from society and live a solitary existence. Certainly living away from others allows us to be free from distraction, and peace may, therefore, be more readily attainable. However, for most people, living a life completely removed from others is impractical and not feasible. Thus, living in society provides us with what may be seen as a beautiful and perfect test of finding inner peace, for within chaos we find the opportunity to truly access and embody peace.

This class teaches a series of the most beautiful and dynamic Sanskrit mantras for personal and planetary peace. These techniques may be done alone or in conjunction with other mantras and methods. Wherever one finds oneself, chanting peace mantras will immediately call forth a sense of serenity and inner harmony that will in turn affect our surroundings and the entire planet.

Chanting peace mantras is beneficial to not only the practitioner but to the environment and the world at large. All students are urged to take this class as a dynamic and also gentle way to anchor in peace for this planet and beings everywhere.


Working with the Sri Yantra, an ancient, mystical symbol, capable of bringing abundant blessings

The Sri Yantra is a sacred geometrical representation of all the divine cosmic powers in the universe, a symbolic depiction of the energy of creation, as described in the vedas. Among yantras (sacred geometric pictures), Sri Yantra is said to be the most powerful yantra.  Sri Yantra has been called “instant Feng Shui” (Vastu Shastra) for the environment and for body, mind, and spirit as it will correct imbalances and help people manifest what they desire. Sri Yantra both absorbs negative energies and emits positive energies. By working with the Sri Yantra, practitioners create a flow of positive events and circumstances on the physical and metaphysical planes. Sri Yantra teachings in particular are considered most sacred, esoteric, and precious and are rarely offered to seekers even within India.

Benefits of working with Sri Yantra:

  • Allign with mystical energies for manifestation of personal desires, goals, and dreams
  • Correct imbalances within the self & the home
  • Help create greater health, peace and happiness

Class include: Class manual; time spent discussing the history, background, and significance of the Sri Yantra & its components; Sacred sound meditations & techniques to align with Sri Yantra and invoke its powers;  pranayama (breathwork) and visualization for prosperity, longevity and manifestation; private initiation ceremony into the Sri Yantra energies & techniques; video instruction with vedic priests of India speaking about the Sri Yantra’s significance

Class Duration: 3 1/2 hours

**The Vedic Healing & Temple also offers authentic Vedic Sri Yantras made of seven metals which have been blessed and energized by priests in India and are made available to practitioners. Use of an actual Sri Yantra for meditation amplifies the techniques taught in this class, attracting positive energies to the practitioner and his/her environment.**

“The soul can escape rebirth by developing consciousness of God…the process of devotional prayer and chanting can help free us from the wheel of reincarnation.”

“Meditation increases your vitality and strengthens your intelligence; your beauty is enhanced; your mental clarity and health improve. You acquire the patience and fortitude to face any problem in life. So, meditate! Only through meditation will you find the treasure you are seeking.”
— Mata Amritanandamayi, Ammachi

Led by:Professor Sasi Velupillai, Psychic Palmist of India, Director of the Vedic Healing Institute/Temple

Join us in a powerful group setting to explore spiritual teachings, powerful meditation techniques and Sanskrit mantra chanting, based on the vedic philosophy of India.

The importance of developing and nurturing the mind-body-spirit connection has long been understood in many Eastern traditions.  Meditation and chanting serve as powerful vehicles to create both inner and outer harmony.  Our monthly gatherings usually include an uplifting and inspirational spiritual discourse on vedic philosophy given by Professor Sasi of India.  This is followed by group guided meditation & a 3rd eye opening ceremony with Professor Sasi.   Participants are led in various guided meditation journeys, exploring different techniques, such as third-eye meditation, mantra meditation, Om meditation, Yoga Nidra meditation, and creative visualization, among other methods.  The second portion of the events typically include Sanskrit mantra chanting (chants are taught at the gathering) and sound healing experience. 

No experience with meditation or chanting is necessary. These gatherings are both instructional and experiential, and participants leave feeling more relaxed, peaceful and connected to the Divine.  Meditation and chanting are presented in a “user-friendly” style so that all may come to know the benefits of these practices and open to their own inner awareness.


  • A profound sense of inner peace, deep relaxation, and tranquility
  • Improvement in one’s health, vitality, mental clarity, and overall wellbeing
  • Higher spiritual awareness        
  • Greater psychic, intuitive, and manifestation powers
  • Release of stress, tension and other negative emotions
  • Increased feelings of balance and happiness
  • Connection to the Divine

In addition to our regular monthly meditation and chanting gatherings, below is a general list of our special, regular annual events (the exact dates change slightly according to the Hindu calendar, so please email us if you are interested in a specific event).  Please feel free to contact us anytime for more information or to attend any of our regular events or special gatherings!  All are welcome.


Includes a Ganesh puja (vedic prayer ceremony) to start the year, for new beginnings, good luck and prosperity! Includes 3rd-eye opening, intention setting for the New Year, and Indian vegetarian dinner.  Come start the New Year in a positive manner by chanting OM and welcoming auspicious energies!

No experience necessary – all are welcome

MAHASHIVARATRI PUJA – Offered every February/March in honor of Lord Shiva

Join us in a group puja (vedic prayer ceremony) in honor of Lord Shiva, who helps us burn away the old so that new energies may emerge.  Lord Shiva is the great destroyer –on the night of MahaShivaratri, Shiva danced and the world caught on fire, transforming negativity and stagnation into new, beautiful possibilities!  Includes vedic puja rituals in Sanskrit and English directed towards Lord Shiva with special emphasis on Shiva chants, extended “Om Namaha Shivaya” and Sanskrit mantra chanting, meditation and Indian vegetarian dinner.  No experience necessary – all are welcome!

HANUMAN JAYANTI PUJA – Offered every April in honor of Lord Hanumanji’s birthday

Join us in a group puja (vedic prayer ceremony) in honor of Lord Hanumanji, the energy for miracles, devotion, and creating seemingly impossible things! Includes vedic puja rituals in Sanskrit and English directed towards Hanumanji with special emphasis on Hanuman chants, Sanskrit mantra chanting, meditation and Indian vegetarian dinner.  No experience necessary – all are welcome!

GAYATRI JAYANTI PUJA – Offered every May or June in honor of Goddess Gayatri’s birthday

Join us in a group puja (vedic prayer ceremony) in honor of Goddess Gayatri, who helps us achieve spiritual and materials blessings on many levels.  Gayatri is said to be the highest vedic mantra, a mantra that can transform the one chanting.

Includes vedic puja rituals in Sanskrit and English directed towards Gayatri with special emphasis on the Gayatri mantra, Sanskrit mantra chanting, meditation and Indian vegetarian dinner.  No experience necessary – all are welcome!


Join us in a group puja, celebrating Goddess Lakshmi.   Includes discussion on the art of manifestation, vedic puja rituals in Sanskrit and English directed towards Goddess Lakshmi with special emphasis on Lakshmi chants, along with meditation, prosperity/abundance work & intention setting, Sanskrit mantra chanting, talk by Professor Sasi, 3rd-eye opening, and Indian vegetarian dinner.  No experience necessary – all are welcome!

SUMMER SOLSTICE EVENT – Offered every June on the Summer Solstice

Includes meditation, Sanskrit mantra chanting with special focus on Ganesh, Gayatri & Shiva mantras, talk by Professor Sasi, 3rd-eye opening, and Indian vegetarian dinner.  No experience necessary – all are welcome!


Includes guided meditation, Sanskrit mantra chanting with special focus on all deity mantras, talk by Professor Sasi, 3rd-eye opening, Om chorus, bhajans (devotional singing), coconut/fire ceremony and Indian vegetarian dinner.  Guru Purnima is the annual celebration of teachers and those who inspire us on our paths.  It is said that prayers offered this evening are “1000 times stronger!” *Surprise meditation with gurus this evening and special guests.   No experience necessary – all are welcome!

FULL MOON/BLUE MOON EVENT – Offered periodically when there are two full moons in the month

Includes meditation, Sanskrit mantra chanting, talk by Professor Sasi, 3rd-eye opening, and visualization

No experience necessary – all are welcome!

KRISHNA JANMASHTAMI PUJA – Offered every September in honor of Lord Krishna

Join us in a group puja (vedic prayer ceremony) in honor of Lord Krishna, who helps us achieve spiritual growth, devotion, and love for the Divine.  Includes vedic puja rituals in Sanskrit and English directed towards Lord Krishna with special emphasis on Krishna chants and the maha mantra, Sanskrit mantra chanting, meditation and

Indian vegetarian dinner.  No experience necessary – all are welcome!


Features our yearly sculpting of Ganeshas from clay, extended “puja” (a ritualistic prayer ceremony in the vedic tradition),  guided meditation, Sanskrit mantra chanting focusing on Ganesh mantras and the Ganesh Ashtottram (108 Names of Ganesh), 3rd-eye opening, Om chorus, bhajans (devotional songs), coconut/fire ceremony, and Indian vegetarian dinner.

Open to our mantra class graduates.


Includes meditation, Sanskrit mantra chanting, talk by Professor Sasi, 3rd-eye opening, and visualization; OM CHORUS; DIWALI Festival of Lights meditation; and Indian dinner.  DIWALI is an annual celebration of the victory of light over darkness–it is a time to call forth prosperity on all levels into our lives.

No experience necessary – all are welcome!

For more information about these ceremonies and how to attend,

Please call us at (213)376-7236, or email:

CANCELLATION POLICY: If you must cancel your attendance at one of the group events, we kindly request 48 hours notice and will transfer your fee to another event or class.  We do not issue refunds for these events as funds are used to pay for supplies, room rental, food, etc.

Practitioners assemble for a puja ceremony


Traditional Vedic Prayer Events Using Meditation, Mantras & Rituals

Puja is a ritualistic form of worship that has been used throughout the temples of India for thousands of years. The word “puja” comes from two Sanskrit words which together translate as “to create purification of the mind and to acquire virtuous qualities while removing bad qualities or karma.” Thus the act of performing a puja brings to us positive energies while simultaneously dissolving the ill effects of our negative actions.

Pujas are typically directed towards different deity forms in order to invoke the attributes of that deity, connect with the light of God, and receive blessings. Pujas may be done for specific areas of life such as health, career, relationships, spiritual growthand so forth. During a puja elaborate steps are performed by the priest (called a “pujari”) in order to cleanse and prepare the space for worship; to invoke the deity and all his/her qualities; and bring in positive energies to the puja space, to those attending the puja, and to the world at large. Pujas involve Sanskrit mantra chanting along with offerings of flowers, fruit, rice, sweets, incense, milk, honey, water and other substances.

A puja also includes a fire ceremony called a “homa.” This fire ceremony forms an integral part of the puja rituals with fire used to represent the concept of God, which may otherwise be too abstract for us to visualize. During the homa, prayer requests, beautiful garments, various metals and other substances are tossed into the fire as an offering to God and an indication of the release of our desires.

Most pujas are done with attendees simply watching the rituals; however in special instances attendees have the opportunity to participate along with the pujari, making the ceremony and the steps of the puja more meaningful. Some pujas last for a few hours and some last for days on end, where the rituals are done around the clock without a break. Before a puja, attendees prepare themselves through fasting, praying, meditating or setting conscious intentions as to how they would like puja energies directed in their own lives. Once someone decides to participate in a puja, puja energies begin to work in the person’s life, even prior to the actual ceremony.

Ultimately a puja is performed for the purpose of honoring God and receiving blessings. By performing a puja, our minds and souls become purified and negative tendencies are washed away.

The Vedic Healing offers group pujas on a regular basis which are led by Pujari Professor Sasi Velupillai of India, Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani and a dedicated group of vedic healing practitioners. Practitioners participate in the puja worship through the use of mantras, meditation, and rituals. Private pujas may also be scheduled upon request for an individual’s personal needs.

Ganesh Deity Form- Removes Obstacles, Brings New Beginnings, Good Luck & Auspiciousness
(The Ganesh pictured here is from the Vedic Healing temple where puja rituals with flowers, incense and camphor are performed daily.)


In the Hindu tradition, spiritual aspirants work with deity forms as a way to bring focus to their meditation and to invoke positive energies into their personal spaces and lives. All deity forms are regarded as aspects of the one Supreme Energy, with each one representing a special function. the deity forms are “spiritual” rather than “religious” in nature, providing simply an easy way for people to channel their prayers.

Professor Sasi Velupillai & Reiki Master Alexandra Juliani perform special Deity Installation Ceremonies for people who would like to not only own a statue in their home, office, or garden, but would like to have the statue transformed into a “murthi” or an energetic image, fit for worship and/or able to attract positive energies. Through vedic rituals, these murthis are given life, and thus able to create positive change, protection and movement for the recipient and the space where the murthi is kept.

The Deity Installation Ceremony includes an extensive vedic puja performed in Sanskrit along with English translation as well as traditional fire/coconut rituals.

Details include:

  • Time spent determining what type of deity would best serve the aspirant & the proper location in the home/office/garden
  • Preparing the recipient and his/her space to receive the deity form
  • Selection of an auspicious date for the installation ceremonies according to the recipient’s birthdate and the particular deity involved
  • Installation of the Deity through the chanting of ancient Sanskrit prayers along with English translation. These prayers clear negative energies and bring in happiness, health, new beginnings, and positive energies
  • Traditional puja procedures using Sanskrit mantras, prayers, incense, water, flowers, rice, milk, sandalwood paste, sacred ash (vibhuti), bells, kumkum (red paste), honey, camphor, coconut, and other items
  • Fire ceremony in the Indian tradition
  • Recommendations of ongoing ways to work with the deity energies

The Deity Installation Ceremonies mark an important, energetic “high” in someone’s life, as he or she conciously invites into the space–and therefore into his/her life–a murthi (deity statue), becoming the custodian of this murthi. These ceremonies may be attended by the friends and family of the recipient as well. Indian food may be provided upon request as typically the ceremonies are followed by the joyous sharing of a meal.

***Currently we have a large Ganesh deity statue and a Hanuman who are looking for homes.  Both were handcrafted in India by spiritual artisans.   If you are interested in creating a sacred space at your home or garden with one of these deities, please inquire.

On a magical night, a 5-foot Nataraja, the dancing form of Lord Shiva,

was installed in a vedic puja ceremony at the Vedic Healing temple.

Our Nataraja was handmade from a unique combination of metals in Tamil Nadu, South India according to vedic traditions and traveled many miles to grace our space.

Nataraja’s energies help destroy negativity, bringing movement, action and new beginnings.

Pictured here is our beloved Nataraja murthi after the ceremony in which he was honored through chanting and rituals that included offerings of rice, incense, sacred ash, fire, and flowers.  Ceremony was led by Professor Sasi & Reiki Master Alexandra along with a dedicated group of Vedic Healing practitioners.

Om Namaha Shivaya…May all who gaze upon this image derive healing.

“In religion, India is the only millionaire…The one land that all men desire to see and having seen once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows of all the rest of the globe combined.” 

— Mark Twain

India is not just geography or history. It is not only a nation, a country, a mere piece of land. It is something more: a metaphor, poetry, something invisible but very tangible. It is vibrating with certain energy fields which no other country can claim…You can find truth in this poor country in a way that you cannot find anywhere else…The country is poor, but to those who are sensitive it is the richest place on earth.”

— Osho

“For centuries, India has been the symbol of the inner journey…it is a spiritual phenomenon. As far back as we know, people have been coming to India from all over the world in search of themselves. Something is in the very climate, something is in the very vibe that helps. Perhaps, because for thousands of years the Eastern genius has been consistently in search of the soul, it has created a certain atmosphere. If you meditate in the East, it seems as if everything helps: the trees, the earth, the air. If you meditate in America you have to meditate alone–there is no help coming from anywhere.” 

— Osho

Discover India, Discover Yourself…

India is not so much an outer journey but more importantly an inner one,

offering visitors unique opportunities for expansion of consciousness to be discovered when one is ready for a transformation.


Including Dharamsala (Home of the Dalai Lama) in the beautiful Himalayas; Amritsar & the famed Golden Temple; Delhi, India’s capital;Jaipur (the pink city) & ancient palaces/forts; Agra & the Taj Mahal, one of the 7 Wonders of the World;

Madurai–Home of the amazing Meenakshi Temple, one of the largest temples in India; Meditation & Chanting at the Ashram of Ammachi (the Hugging Saint) & Ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba; Backwaters of India (called the Venice of the East) in handmade Houseboats; Powerful Temples of South India;

and Ayurvedic Massage in a beautiful spa on acres of lush greenery and coconut palm trees on the beach!

Organized by

Professor Sasi Velupillai, Psychic Palmist of India,

Director of the Vedic Healing Institute & Temple


  • Visit New Delhi, the capital of India – siteseeing and shopping
  • Visit the breathtaking Taj Mahal, one of the 7 Wonders of the World, in AGRA
  • Visit to Dharamsala, home of the Dalai Lama, beautiful Buddhist temples, stunning scenery, nestled in the pristine Himalayan mountains
  • Tour the beautiful Golden Temple of Amritsar, the Sikh religion’s most famous temple, experiencing meditation, chanting and prayers at this most amazing power spot!
  • Visit to the Wagah border for the exciting guard changing ceremony full of pomp and circumstance!
  • Tour the historic “pink city” of JAIPUR and visit an ancient palace and remarkable fort!
  • Visit the famous MADURAI MEENAKSHI TEMPLE, one of India’s most powerful and largest temples where we will take part in vedic puja prayer ceremonies, enjoy meditation & chanting and be immersed in temple energies

*The MEENAKSHI TEMPLE celebrates the goddess Meenakshi, consort to Lord Shiva

  • Visit Thekkady, home of lush, green tea plantations where we stay in a beautiful eco-friendly hotel amongst greenery everywhere and even see some monkeys around town!  Enjoy a demonstration of “kalari” –the oldest form of martial arts;
  • Visits to handicraft places of business to learn about ancient Indian textile and art forms;
  • Witness a live performance of “kalari,” the oldest martial arts form in the world which has elements of yoga in it
  • Visit KERALA, the “land of coconuts,” a state known for its tropical beauty / Meet local elephants!
  • Tour the backwaters of Kerala (The Venice of the East) in handmade houseboats, drifting by idyllic waterfront villages;
  • Visit to the ashram of  Ammachi (the Hugging Saint), a lovely ashram bordered by the backwaters on one side and the ocean on the other;
  • Enjoy individualized consultations and rejuvenation/massage treatments at a stunning ayurvedic health spa under coconut palm trees.  Ayurveda is the Indian system of healing through rejuvenation massage treatments and herbal oils.
  • Relax at a beautiful pool, on the beach or enjoy a serene country boat ride through canals and lush vegetation, where you can see wildlife and exotic birds
  • Visit the ashram of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, India’s largest ashram–experience vedic chanting, meditation and the special “darshan” (being in the presence) of the energy of Sai Baba, India’s most renowned guru, many considered to be a, enlightened being.  The ashram is in a little village with much to see as well as small shops to buy spiritual objects.  Energies here are magical and transformation is imminent.


  • All meals included daily (breakfast, lunch & dinner)
  • All inner-India travel included (by luxury, air-conditioned bus and inner-India air flights)
  • Accommodations included in beautiful 5 star hotels!
  • Accompaniment by Host and also English-speaking Manager and guides

India Innersearch promotes positive cultural, social, and spiritual interaction among travelers of different countries and the people of India.  Our Pilgrimages to India are comprised of individuals who travel together with the intent of spreading understanding and peace by appreciating cultural differences and embracing our spiritual Oneness. Our intent is to foster unity and harmony between people of the East and West, creating a bridge for awareness, expansion, and growth.

Visit India — be transformed.


In India, lineage forms an important part of a student/practitioner’s journey.  The Vedic Healing is proud to present its lineage of esteemed teachers many of whom, though no longer with us on the physical plane, remain ever present in our lives.   Professor Sasi extend their gratitude, love and immense thanks to these teachers who have touched their lives and are dearly remembered and missed on the physical plane every day.  None of these photos can adequately convey the immense energy and magic that emanated from these beings, but we hope all who view these photos are touched in some manner.

Professor Sasi sits with his father and mentor Professor Padmanabha Velupillai, one of the world’s most respected Psychic Palmists and Spiritual Teachers who served as young Sasi’s guru while growing up and throughout his life.
PROFESSOR P.A. SESHAN GURUJI, Sanskrit scholar, Zen Master, and Hindu priest who was the esteemed Patron of the Vedic Healing . Guruji was a scholar and accomplished practitioner and teacher in the Sri Vidya tradition.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba, who blessed Professor Sasi personally. Many beautiful visits spanning more than 40 years were spent in the presence of Sai Baba. Prof. Sasi was fortunate to have visited and had audiences with Baba many times as a young boy growing up in India.
Professor Shankara Shastry, Esteemed Sanskrit Scholar and Vedic Master – 1998, Bangalore, India. Professor Shastry extended blessings to Professor Sasi to bring the vedic healing teachings to the west. He personally activated and blessed a large Sri Chakra for the Vedic Healing that was carried to Los Angeles.
Guruji Seshan, Prof. Sasi and Prof. Shankara Shastry, 1998
Guruji meditating before blessing the large Sri Yantra of the Vedic Healing – 1998
On one of our many trips to India, saying goodbye to Guruji and Mrs. Seshan was the last and most important stop we made before leaving for the U.S. Here they kindly came outside and saw us off.
Another Sri Chakra is blessed and given to Professor Sasi by Sri Tiruchi Swamiji, Bangalore.
Professor Sasi visits H.H. Sri Sathya Sai Baba who is seen manifesting vibhuti (holy ash) in this rare photo – 1979, India
The Vedic Healing hosted Milk Baba from Nepal for a discourse, private blessings and devotional singing
Our dear friend Swamiji Baba Nataraja of Siva Mandir graces many of the Vedic Healing’s gatherings, giving discourses on health, meditation, and vedic teachings – Om Namaha Shivaya
Guruji teaching our 1999 World Peace Delegation group